Thursday, November 09, 2017

LIARS!!-----Pension Panic In Paradise: Maui Residents Outraged Over 52% Spike In Pension Contributions

Pension Panic In Paradise: Maui Residents Outraged Over 52% Spike In Pension Contributions
"Earlier this year, Maui County residents in the island state of Hawaii were somewhat less than ecstatic to learn that their property taxes were going to increase by approximately $29.7 million for fiscal 2018.  
According to County Council member statements at the time, the additional funding was needed to help provide better public services for Maui residents.
That said, fast forward just a few months and it looks like a substantial portion of those tax increases won't go to provide better public services for Maui residents at all but rather will be plowed into the state's massively underwater pension fund... 
Meanwhile, as we've pointed out multiple times before, the victims of Hawaii's ponzi failure will inevitably be the kids as funding gets diverted from public schools and into the pockets of a few retired public employees..."
Read on!

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