Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Liberals must finally face facts about Bill & Hillary Clinton - NY Daily News

Image result for bill clinton sex creepLiberals must finally face facts about Bill & Hillary Clinton - NY Daily News:
"In the past few weeks, I've been a woman of split personalities.
On a good day, I'm elated — empowered and inspired by the many women who have courageously opened the floodgates to help end the shroud of silence and shame that surrounds victims of sexual assault and harassment.
I shared my stories.
I brought other women together to share theirs.
We were giddy at the catharsis.
It felt like a sea change.
...While the right has certainly lost a significant amount of credibility on that front — conservative evangelicals defiantly embraced Trump despite his many troubling moral deficiencies — the left still has a long overdue unpaid bill to pay. 
Image result for bill clinton sex creepBill Clinton, that is.
That it has taken liberals almost 30 years to begin to question whether Clinton's behavior in the 1990s warrants additional scrutiny is both disturbing and unsurprising.
Disturbing, because his accusers were in many cases credible, yet were subjected to vicious smear campaigns by Clinton supporters and the Clintons themselves.
Unsurprising, because for the past three decades, Democrats have been trying to elect or re-elect a Clinton to office, and so covering up or denying their numerous and obvious flaws was for many a full-time job..."
Read on!

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