Wednesday, November 08, 2017



Spot Light of Corruption

By Tammy Derouin

Image result for free clip art Spot LightThe past couple of weeks have offered some revealing and long awaited information. From the DNC primary election results, to the Trump dossier, Uranium One and the IRS targeting scandal, we have been flooded with mind-blowing information and this is just what is being revealed right now. Much more is sure to come and many more scandals are waiting in the wings. The level of corruption should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans.

The amount of plot-worthy information is much more than even Hollywood requires for an action-packed political thriller. One scandal alone would have provided all the twists and turns, a trail of corruption, and that powerful climatic moment when it becomes undeniable as to where and with whom the evidence is implicating, to create the sensation needed for a box office success. But, don't call Tinsel Town just yet. They too are crumbling under their very own spot light of corruption.......

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