Sunday, November 05, 2017

Marxism: The Key to Health? | Power Line

Marxism: The Key to Health? | Power Line
"...Lancet’s editor in chief, Richard Horton. Horton argues that Marxism represents the best path forward for medicine.
Of course, Marxism wasn’t the route to good health for the 100 million who were murdered by Marxist governments, or by the countless millions who were reduced to abject poverty by various Marxist regimes, most recently in North Korea and Venezuela. 
Image result for Marxism Brainy QuotesThe North Koreans who try to survive by eating grass and the Venezuelans who hunt rats to eat for dinner would no doubt view Horton’s claims for Marxism with disbelief.
Horton writes:
...[M]ore and more people, especially younger generations, believe that economies based only on free markets are not necessarily the best means to deliver fairer or healthier societies.
These would be young people who have never actually lived under socialism. 
...Marxism is about stealing other people’s money while asserting power over their lives...
Horton offers three reasons why Marxism can be the salvation of medicine:
First, Marx offers a critique of society, a method of analysis, that enables explication of disquieting trends in modern medicine and public health—privatised health economies, the power of conservative professional elites, the growth of techno-optimism, philanthrocapitalism, the importance of political determinants of health, global health’s neoimperialist tendencies, product-driven definitions of disease, and the exclusion of stigmatised communities from our societies.
It would be hard to write a more incoherent sentence..."
Read on!

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