Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth. You'll be amazed why. Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th! | muskegonspotlight

Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth. You'll be amazed why. Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th! | muskegonspotlight:
"Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth.
You'll be amazed why.
Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th!
Suspicions have swirled around Muskegon County's "Youth Millage" with allegations the money will be diverted to pay for the new jail. While millage backers downplay such rumors, recently surfaced documents tell a different tale. Muskegon Spotlight has obtained a letter between the County Administrator and Board Chair Ben Cross that reveals this millage will do almost nothing for kids. 
Nearly all of the money raised will instead bailout the budget crisis caused by overspending on the jail..."
Read on!!

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