Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire:
"On Friday, Yasmin Seweid, 19, the Muslim college student at Baruch College who lied to police, telling them

  • she had been harassed on the New York subway by white men who attempted to seize her hijab, pleaded guilty to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct.
  • Seweid had claimed the incident occurred on the No. 6 train on Dec. 1, 2016. 
  • She told The New York Daily News that three drunk white men screamed “Donald Trump!” and hurled anti-Islam slurs at her, then tried to rip her hijab off of her head. 
  • She stated, “I heard them say something very loudly, something about Donald Trump ... I also heard them say the word terrorist and I sort of got a little scared.” 
  • She added that they said, “Oh look, a (expletive) terrorist … Get the hell out of the country! You don’t belong here!” 
  • She said when she tried to ignore them, they pulled on her bag to get her attention and the strap broke. “That’s when I turned around and said ‘can you please leave me alone,’ and they started laughing,” she said.
  • Her story continued that she walked to the other end of the train; the men followed her and tried to pull off her hijab, yelling, “Take that thing off!” She said, “I put my hand on top of my head to hold it. Then I turned around and screamed ‘what the (expletive).’”
  • Seweid also took a swipe at President-elect Donald Trump, commenting, “The president-elect just promotes this stuff and is very anti-Muslim, very Islamophobic, and he’s just condoning it.”
  • Seweid’s father, informed of the supposed incident, said, “Nobody even offered to help an 18-year-old girl. That means something. Her phone was dying. You offer help — it doesn’t matter the race, religion, or the country.”

Image result for stop the liesDays later, Seweid went missing, prompting a search for her.
Seweid was arrested on December 14 on charges of filing a false report and obstructing governmental administration. 
Police sources stated Seweid lied because she didn’t want to get in trouble for breaking her curfew after being out late drinking with friends..."

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