Monday, November 06, 2017

Nicholas Stix: Is the Final Solution To The German Question At Hand? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Nicholas Stix: Is the Final Solution To The German Question At Hand? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform:
"...Most unfortunate of all, re-unification gave us the monstrosity of Angela Merkel.
Since 2015, with the rest of the world, I have watched Merkel undertake the democide of Germany—part of the genocide of the white race, the ultimate end of what Editor Peter Brimelow has famously called “Hitler’s revenge.”
Image result for german “rapefugees” 70% of men....Finally, in 2010, Socialist politician Thilo Sarrazin (right) published a study which showed Germany’s decline, including the problems Moslems were causing, Deutschland Schafft sich ab: Wie Wir Unser Land aufs Spiel Setzen (Germany Destroys Itself: How We Gamble with Our Country).
By then, Moslems comprised 6% of the populace—and 10% of newborn babies in Germany.
...And the Turks were angels compared to the Moslems who have subsequently invaded Germany.
In 2015, Christian-Democrat Chancellor Angela Merkel decided, in a conspiracy with other powers within and without the country, to end Germany.
She opened its gates to millions of Moslem fake “refugees” (not that real refugees would have been any better), military-aged men who came with smartphones that some entity, whom the media refused to name, had paid for, along with their usage.
Real refugees would have been overwhelmingly women and children, but this wave of “refugees,” who came to be known as “rapefugees” based on their behavior in Germany, consisted at least 70% of men. 
They immediately engaged in a crime wave, especially the massive rape and sexual molestation of German girls and women.
It was a conscious, invading army..."
Much here.
Read on!

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