Monday, November 27, 2017

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer - Victory Girls Blog

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer - Victory Girls Blog
NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer
The New York Times uses its Style section to publish a puff piece on underage “makeup artists” that amounts to little more than promoting the sexual objectification of actual children. As long as the subjects are boys and the behavior is gender-bending, of course.
Would you be inclined to buy makeup because a 10-year-old boy is showing you how to create a look on Instagram? If we’re talking about Jack Bennett of @makeuupbyjack, then the answer could well be a resounding yes. […]
He is the latest evidence of a seismic power shift in the beauty industry, which has thrust social media influencers to the top of the pecking order. Refreshingly, they come in all shapes, sizes, ages and, more recently, genders.
The article spends much of its focus on celebrating so-called gender fluidity and promotes the idea that parents who indulge, or promote, their pre-pubescent sons to become genderqueer advocates are doing A Good Thing™.
“What you have now are millennial moms* who have grown up in an era where gender is more fluid,” Ms. Friedman said. “Millennials are very in tune with empowering their children.”
*Note: there is no mention of dads, millennial or otherwise, in this article..."
Read on!!!!

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