Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Run, Joe, Run | The American Spectator

Image result for joe biden sex creepRun, Joe, Run | The American Spectator:
"Biden sees an America waiting with bated breath for him to challenge Trump.
Convinced of his own wonderfulness, Joe Biden trots around the talk shows as if on a perpetual victory lap.
What has he won?
Who knows?
It speaks to the embarrassing emptiness of liberal culture that such a buffoon is accorded the status of a victorious statesman. 
Encouraged in this delusion, Biden allows himself such modest musings as: “I have regret that I am not president. Because I think there’s so much opportunity. I think America is incredibly well-positioned.”
Image result for joe biden sex creepStill the blarney-ridden, puffed-chest phony with hair plugs of his empty senatorial days, Biden finds Trump very threatening to his manhood and likes to shadow-box him in the company of such tough questioners as Stephen Colbert.
On the campaign trail last year, Biden said that he didn’t want to debate Trump but to beat him up: “I wish I were in high school, I could take him behind the gym. That’s what I wish.”...
Read on!

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