Saturday, November 11, 2017

Socialism's Victory at the Ballot Box Shows Americans Suffer From the Insanity of Godless Despair

Socialism's Victory at the Ballot Box Shows Americans Suffer From the Insanity of Godless Despair:

Image result for Socialism Sign"We would be remiss if we looked at these elections only through political lenses. The fact is there is a sickness in the hearts and minds of Americans that is at the core of these victories, and we must name it, understand it, and try to address it if we’re to bring our country back from the brink of tyranny.

I don’t use that word lightly, but the fact is socialism is a political philosophy that stands opposed to the principles of freedom America once valued. These have changed over time due to the influence of Marxism and materialistic, nihilistic German philosophies, which have subverted our education system for decades. It’s also due to the rejection of Judeo-Christian ethics and the Enlightenment philosophies of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Montesquieu that work together to ensure liberty."

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