Thursday, November 16, 2017

Student op-ed: OK to vandalize fraternities because patriarchy, white supremacy, and inequality - The College Fix

Student op-ed: OK to vandalize fraternities because patriarchy, white supremacy, and inequality - The College Fix:
"...In an op-ed in the student paper The Flat Hat, Mohan er, argues that the spray-painting of the words “rapist” and “rape” on campus frat houses “was a much-needed action against terrible and powerful institutions.”
She then claims that erasing the graffiti could amount to censorship … and “possibly the silencing of survivors.”
Incredibly, satire this is not:
Within universities, fraternities are a microcosm of the patriarchal, classist and white supremacist structures that exist in society. It is important to recognize that instances of sexual violence are never isolated.
Rather, they are the manifestations of a culture with an ingrained imbalance of power that normalizes the violation of autonomy of one by another. And therefore, while sexual assault statistics should be enough to convince you that fraternities should be dismantled, I think it is a good idea to look at what lies at the essence of fraternities to see why they embody the culture of authoritarianism and inequality..."
Read on! 

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