Saturday, November 04, 2017

The 2017 George Washington Campaign - WSJ

The 2017 George Washington Campaign - WSJ
"Looks like the father of our country could still win a few votes in his home state. 
Image result for Christ Church George WashingtonOn Wednesday this column described the ingrates at Alexandria, Virginia’s Christ Church who decided to remove a plaque commemorating their devoted parishioner George Washington from the church’s sanctuary. 
While members of the vestry who oversee the organization ponder a substitute location, it seems that some current parishioners aren’t supporting the expulsion of America’s first President from the church he made famous.
Kudos to Alexa Epitropoulos of Virginia’s Alexandria Times. 
This week she extensively reports on the reaction to the vestry’s decision and also on the decision itself. The church’s emailed explanation to members of its congregation had a less-than-persuasive argument why the Washington plaque had to be ejected along with one honoring Robert E. Lee (the Confederate general, not the broadcaster). According to Ms. Epitropoulos:
While the email detailed the problematic legacy of Lee, it went into less detail about Washington, saying only that the plaques “visually balance each other, maintaining the symmetry of our sanctuary.”
They’re kicking George Washington out of his church to maintain the quality of the interior design?..."
Read on!!

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