Monday, November 13, 2017

The Wages of Social Justice Is Death | Trending

The Wages of Social Justice Is Death | Trending
"In the aftermath of the Ferguson riots in Missouri and the Freddie Gray fiasco in Baltimore, the decriminalization of crime in the name of "social justice" -- long a goal of the cultural-Marxist Left -- got fully underway. 
The result was exactly what anyone not fully invested in Critical Theory would have expected:
Calling violence in Baltimore “out of control,” Mayor Catherine Pugh ordered 30 agency heads to meet every morning at police headquarters, and to make crime reduction the top mission not only of police, but also of health workers, housing officials and public works crews.
Image result for Violent crimeThe mayor ordered the directors of more than half of the city’s 55 departments to report to meetings daily at 8 a.m., when they will plan with Police Commissioner Kevin Davis where weeds should be cut, lead paint covered and drug houses boarded up and job applications can be handed out, among other tasks.
Pugh appeared at City Hall Thursday flanked by agency heads. “Violence in the city is out of control,” she said. “I want every neighborhood to know I am extremely concerned and focused on reducing violence.” Killings in the city have surged past 300 this year for a third year in a row. Violent crime is up 13 percent over last year, and reports of groups of youths attacking people apparently at random have dominated recent local news cycles.
Baltimore, a city whose best years ended more than a century ago, is a prime example of what happens when citizens are categorized by skin color or cultural background, and then have differing standards of behavior applied to them by what should be an impartial justice system. 
Instead of "social justice," the outcome is social disruption, mistrust, resentment, lawlessness and, if left unchecked, anarchy and civil war. 
The Marxists not only know this, they desire it, which is why they press so hard for it..."
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