Friday, November 10, 2017

This is bigotry and hate?-----East Grand Rapids mayor responds to white supremacy fliers placed around city |

East Grand Rapids mayor responds to white supremacy fliers placed around city |
"East Grand Rapids Mayor Amna Seibold has condemned white supremacy statements that were printed on fliers and posted around the city over the weekend of Nov. 4.
Seibold released a statement on social media late in the  afternoon on Sunday, Nov. 5, and addressed the fliers during a City Commission meeting the following day.
The signs, which read, "It's okay to be white," included a link to a white nationalist blog.
"We want to make this very clear. 
We do not agree or support the sentiments of these messages; racism has no place in our community," Seibold said.
"If I sound upset, it's because I am. 
Because these people came in, whoever they are, whoever the culprits are, they tried to upset our community and we're stronger than that," she said.
Many of the city commissioners shared in the mayor's feelings.
"It's obvious to me that our community was the target of an outrageous, and I mean that, an outrageous act of bigotry and hatred," Commissioner Brian Miller said. 
"It's the ultimate cowardice to distribute these messages in the dark of night."

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