Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Very Fake News: CNN Selectively Edits Trump Quote on Japanese Auto Production In U.S.

Very Fake News: CNN Selectively Edits Trump Quote on Japanese Auto Production In U.S.
"Left-wing CNN has been caught red-handed selectively-editing a Donald Trump quote as a means to make the president look foolish during his overseas trip to Japan.
In its second piece of very fake news launched against Trump Monday morning (here is the first), CNN’s snarky and dishonest headline reads, “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does.” 
In order to justify its misleading headline, CNN lies through omission by deliberately publishing only part of Trump’s statement during a meeting with Japanese automakers on Monday...
This has been another terrible week for CNN.
Earlier Monday, the network was busted publishing misleading video to invent a Trump blunder during a photo-op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
In the fake video, the last-place cable news network focused in only on Trump as he emptied a box of fish food into a koi pond. 
What CNN did not want its Twitter followers to know is that Trump was following the prime minister’s lead in doing so. 
CNN’s misleading video was meant to make Trump look foolish and impatient as he dumped out the box.
Adding to CNN’s ongoing ratings and reputation woes was Jake Tapper’s misleading and wildly inappropriate interpretation of “Allahu Akbar” late last week in the immediate aftermath of a deadly Islamic terror attack in New York City.
To make matters worse, Tapper, whose dual reputation and ratings crises have become an embarrassment to CNN, suffered a humiliating public meltdown in reaction to the criticism.
CNN’s crusade to destroy President Trump has only blown back on the banana network, which was once in second place behind only Fox News, but is now not only in dead last place but national joke."
Read it all!

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