Saturday, November 25, 2017

Want Your Daughter Single at 30? Send Her to College at 18 | Intellectual Takeout

Want Your Daughter Single at 30? Send Her to College at 18 | Intellectual Takeout
"Student loan debt isn't just burying young people in red ink. 
It's reshaping the modern American family.
...But over lunch she told me that she has the dream job, and little else. 
As it turns out, her total loan debt stands at $97,000. 
Servicing that debt each month costs more than her rent. 
When medical bills and auto repair piled up a year ago, she took on a second job, bartending. 
It was a crushing work load. 
She was so exhausted from working two jobs that she finally went to her editor, explained the situation, and asked for a raise. 
He gave it. 
She quit her bartending job but found it ironic that she could make more money doing that than journalism.
When I asked her if she was in a relationship, she shook her head. “The guys here are all idiots.”
There you have it. 
Jessica is in her late twenties, with a $97,000 student loan debt, no prospects for marriage and a job she will have to stay at for years to pay off the debt.
I wish Jessica’s story was the exception. 
It is not..."
National Student-Loan Debt

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