"...Net neutrality’s dubious value is made obvious by the misleading way Democrats and many news outlets reported the decision.
“F.C.C. plans net neutrality repeal in a victory for telecoms,” wrote the New York Times.
Missing from the headline or lede was that the decision was a loss for Netflix, Amazon, Google, and other corporate giants that provider content.
This is the Democratic line.
By portraying deregulation as a bonbon for Big Business, and concealing the hit taken by some of the biggest businesses (see above), these partial accounts avoid debating the issue on its merits and dwindle into demagoguery, where they are comfortable.
This is an established pattern with net neutrality.

...Net neutrality regulation also effectively outlaws competing business models, which are good for customers and the economy as a whole.
Competing business models allow experimentation, and this leads to providers serving customers better by meeting their needs more precisely.
Consider the possibility of Internet “fast lanes.”
As telemedicine becomes an increasingly important part of healthcare, wouldn’t you want your surgeon to be able to buy access to an express lane in which a network was allowed to grant privilege to certain data over others?
That is, AT&T should be allowed to provide a service in which data bytes flowing between an operating room and a surgeon take precedence over bytes of 100 dudes Googling to find out whether Jennifer Lawrence is married.
...The FCC’s move last week will leave Internet business models to compete in the marketplace rather than competing in smoke-filled rooms for the favor of regulators..."
Read on!
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