Sunday, December 03, 2017

ABC's Brian Ross again under fire for explosive error on Trump, Flynn | Fox News

ABC's Brian Ross again under fire for explosive error on Trump, Flynn | Fox News
    Image result for abc fake news
  • "ABC's famously error-prone chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross was at it again on Friday when the network was forced to issue an embarrassing correction when Ross botched a bombshell "exclusive" about retired general Michael Flynn. An ABC spokesperson declined to comment on whether Ross will be disciplined. 

He has not been sanctioned for past errors.
...Later in the day, ABC issued a "clarification" to Ross's report, saying that Trump's alleged directive came during the transition, after he'd been elected president-- a key distinction.

  • 2012, Gawker famously labeled Ross “America’s Wrongest Reporter” and said he was “breathtakingly reckless” after he said the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shooter may have had Tea Party ties, based simply on his discovery that someone he found on the Internet shared the name James Holmes with the shooter. 
“When there's breaking news, especially about terrorism and national security, ABC News' Brian Ross is there. And under no circumstances should you listen to anything he says,” Gawker’s John Cook wrote.
  • Cook went on to list a handful of Ross’ notorious legacy of mishaps, including falsely connecting domestic anthrax attacks to Iraq. Cook reminded readers to “Never, ever listen to anything Ross reports unless and until it has been confirmed by another, better, reporter.”
  • Ross has caused trouble for ABC News many more times in his more than two decades with the network. His report "Taking on Toyota" was widely criticized for relying on data from trial lawyers. He's also stirred controversy with disputed reporting on the Detroit "underwear bomber".

See the source imageTo his credit, Ross is also one of the most decorated investigative reporters in the business, winning more journalistic awards than can easily be counted. Perhaps that's why ABC News has kept him around -- at a reported seven figure salary -- despite the long series of embarrassments.
Meanwhile, Disney CEO Bob Iger is widely reported to have ambitions to run for the White House himself and plans to step down prior to the 2020 and could challenge Trump as the Democratic nominee..."

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