Thursday, December 07, 2017

'Alternative space’ created for students angry over black female conservative's gun rights speech - The College Fix

'Alternative space’ created for students angry over black female conservative's gun rights speech - The College Fix:
"Mount Holyoke College Republicans are slated to host gun rights activist Antonia Okafor Thursday night for an event titled “Female Empowerment and the Second Amendment.”
But the black, female conservative’s pending visit to the school has been met with angst from some students who are upset at the idea that women’s rights and safety is being linked with their right to bear arms.
See the source imageOkafor is founder of EmPOWERed and a nationally recognized campus carry activist.
One group on campus, Mount Holyoke’s Climate Justice Coalition, has organized an “alternative space,” as opposed to a protest, for students upset over Okafor’s talk.
Not to be confused with a safe space, where coloring books, Play-Doh and soft music are often provided, the coalition stated on Facebook that they felt the alternative space was the best way to channel their anger.
Topics for the alternative event are slated to include:
-The concept of empowerment and “female empowerment”
– The second amendment and gun laws/culture
– Campus rape/sexual harassment culture
Violence, particularly against people who are not white cis-men

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