Monday, December 04, 2017

Black Philly Councilwoman Wants To Ban Bulletproof Plexiglass In Korean Stores Because It’s An “Indignity” To Black People | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Black Philly Councilwoman Wants To Ban Bulletproof Plexiglass In Korean Stores Because It’s An “Indignity” To Black People | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
"...In Philadelphia, where the new District Attorney is openly anti-police and pro-Black Lives Matter, a grotesque wave of egalitarianism threatens to overwhelm the city in an anti-civilization deluge.
Case in point: a black city council member believes plexiglass in restaurants/convenience stores represents an “indignity” to black people.
At the end of the day, elected black officials exist to protect black criminals from the consequences of their actions
...“These businesses in particular have skirted and flouted the law for years,” said Bass. 
...“My interest is to see restaurants where a family can go down and have a meal,” she said, adding that she has been “flabbergasted” by the image of workers serving food through a window as if customers were “in prison.”


pigpen51 said...

I saw this last week, and while not surprised, I was disgusted by it. I could just see it happening here in Muskegon. Would they let the business owner stand guard with a shotgun or a modern sporting rifle ( an AR 15 )? Because if I was the owner of that party store, I for sure would either have bullet proof glass in that environment that they face in Philly inner city or have armed guards. And now, this area is getting a reputation in outlying areas as a place where they are afraid to travel to. I have relatives who won't visit Muskegon, even to go to the stores here anymore, out of misplaced fear because of the murders that are increasingly becoming more common here. It is a sad thing, to look at from the past until now. But in reality, we are no different than any other small city, with a growing population in some areas and a declining population in others. Keep up the blog, by the way, you all. It gets better all the time.

Jim Riley said...

Thanks pig!
Fascinating insight.
Crime matters.
And the innocent pay.