Tuesday, December 19, 2017

BOMBSHELL: The Shocking Edits To FBI Director Comey’s Statement On Hillary Clinton Probe Detailed | Daily Wire

BOMBSHELL: The Shocking Edits To FBI Director Comey’s Statement On Hillary Clinton Probe Detailed | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images James Comey"A side by side comparison of what FBI Director James Comey said when he cleared Hillary Clinton without criminal charges — and what he planned to say, according to a draft of his statement — is absolutely shocking.

Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, obtained the the draft document in which Comey set out the bureau's argument for clearing Clinton and her aides. In a spectacular letter on Thursday, the Wisconsin Republican went point by point through the draft, comparing the planned words with what Comey actually said."

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