Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Donald Trump unveils national security strategy that promotes American prosperity - Washington Times

Donald Trump unveils national security strategy that promotes American prosperity - Washington Times:

Image result for wikicommons images Donald Trump"Mr. Trump devoted much of his speech to tougher immigration policies, saying previous administrations allowed the U.S. border to become too porous.

“Over the profound objections of the American people, our politicians left our borders wide open,” Mr. Trump said. “Millions of immigrants entered illegally. Millions more were admitted into our country without the proper vetting needed to protect our security and our economy. Leaders in Washington imposed on the country an immigration policy that Americans never voted for, never asked for and never approved — a policy where the wrong people are allowed into our country and the right people are rejected. American citizens, as usual, have been left to bear the cost and to pick up the tab.”"

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