Friday, December 08, 2017

Dynamic Tolls Reduce Congestion | Economics21

Dynamic Tolls Reduce Congestion | Economics21
"New dynamic toll lanes operating on a stretch of Interstate 66 generated much coverage on their first day of operation. 
According to the Washington Post, the toll for one-way travel from the Beltway to Washington reached $34.50 during the morning rush hour. 
Image result for +Dynamic TollsOn the second day the toll peaked at $40, and on the third morning the toll reached a high of $23. Tolls during the afternoon peak period have been consistently lower than the morning commute, reaching a high of $12.50 the second day.
Solo drivers are charged for using new high-occupancy toll lanes, or HOT lanes, during peak hours. The price, updated every six minutes, varies in response to traffic flow. 
These dynamic toll lanes are supposed to help with the significant amount of congestion along the route.
Congestion imposes substantial costs on Americans each year, in terms of both time and lost productivity. 
One survey estimated that Americans spent an hour each week stuck in traffic on commutes in 2016, and traffic jams cost U.S. drivers an average of $1,200 each year.
Dynamic tolls alleviate congestion problems. 
By charging more to use roads when traffic is heaviest, drivers pay a price for driving during peak hours and shift some trips to less-busy hours..."
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