Sunday, December 10, 2017

History for December 10

Image result for Emily Dickinson Quotes
History for December 10 -
Thomas H. Gallaudet 1787 - Pioneer of educating the deaf, Emily Dickinson 1830 - Writer, Melvil Dewey 1851 - Created the "Dewey Decimal Classification" system
Image result for Thomas Gallaudet StatueImage result for Emily Dickinson QuotesImage result for Dewey Decimal System

Dorothy Lamour 1914 - Actress, Susan Dey 1952 - Actress ("L.A. Law," "The Partridge Family"), Kenneth Branagh 1960 - Actor, director
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1520 - Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict. The papacy demanded that he recant or face excommunication. Luther refused and was formally expelled from the church in January 1521.
Image result for Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict

1845 - British civil engineer Robert Thompson patented the first pneumatic tires.
Image result for Robert Thompson patented the first pneumatic tires

1901 - The first Nobel prizes were awarded.
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1906 - U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt became the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for helping mediate an end to the Russo-Japanese War.
Image result for Theodore Roosevelt Nobel Peace Prize

1931 - Jane Addams became a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, she was the first American woman to do so.
Image result for Jane Addams

1950 - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche was presented the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the first African-American to receive the award. Bunche was awarded the prize for his efforts in mediation between Israel and neighboring Arab states.
Image result for Dr. Ralph J. Bunche quotes

1953 - Hugh Hefner published the first "Playboy" magazine with an investment of $7,600.
Image result for Hugh Hefner published the first "Playboy" magazine

1964 - In Oslo, Norway, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest person to receive the award.
Image result for Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize

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