Friday, December 08, 2017

Independence Hypocrisy, by Walter E.Williams | Creators Syndicate

Independence Hypocrisy, by Walter E.Williams | Creators Syndicate:
"Officials in Catalonia, Spain's richest and most highly industrialized region, whose capital is Barcelona, recently held a referendum in which there was a 92 percent vote in favor of independence from Spain.
See the source image...Some Bavarian people are demanding independence from Germany, while others demand greater autonomy.
...Germany has done in Bavaria what Spain and Italy, in its Veneto region, have done; it has upheld the integrity of state borders.
...Fallon writes that by doing what it's doing in Bavaria, "Berlin is violating international law on national self-determination. 
It denies to Bavaria what it granted to the 19 states that seceded from Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.
In fact, Germany rushed to be first to recognize the independence of Slovenia and Croatia."
It did that, according to Beverly Crawford, an expert on Europe at the University of California, Berkeley, "in open disregard of (a European Community) agreement to recognize the two states under EC conditionality requirements."
The secessionist movements in Spain, Germany and Italy have encountered resistance and threats from the central governments..."

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