Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Instapundit » Blog Archive » I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH: A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missi…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH: A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missi…:
A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf’s (CG 72) return to homeport.

Bumped, because just look at it.-Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:58 pm"


pigpen51 said...

I follow Glenn Reynolds also. Small world. And I have a son in the U.S. Navy, who just got back from deployment a month ago. It is because of young men and women like this that we can such hope for this country. The politicians give me no hope, but the youth when I see the real ones, not the ones on the tv who call for safe spaces at colleges, but the real ones, it is because of them, that I have hope for this country. Thanks for posting this.

I am just another muskegon dweller, by way of Hesperia.

Jim Riley said...

Pig, nice comment.
Not all the younger generation gives me hope.
I suspect your son is one of the few good ones.
Merry Christmas,