Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Many ask why is Hollyweird so commie/socialist infested.

See the source image"Many ask why is Hollyweird so commie/socialist infested.
Well, it started back in the '30s when socialist President Franklin Roosevelt started a government sponsored arts program. 
The prior unfunded socialist artists in America found their perfect springboard to spread their socialist ideas and the American taxpayer was footing the bill.
NPR is an extension of the same bullshit from Progressives.
Now, the Hollyweird, social media and the Mainstream Media have joined the cause leaving Americans searching for the truth everyday. - Nick
From Wikipedia
"The Federal Theatre Project (1935–39) was a New Deal program to fund theatre and other live artistic performances and entertainment programs in the United States during the Great Depression.
It was one of five Federal Project Number One projects sponsored by the Works Progress Administration.
It was created not as a cultural activity but as a relief measure to employ artists, writers, directors and theater workers.
...The Federal Theatre Project ended when its funding was canceled after strong Congressional objections to the left-wing political tone of a small percentage of its productions."
That last sentence is a lot of bullshit "small percentage" 😂 . - Nick"
Read it all!

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