Sunday, December 10, 2017

Not really a shock to anyone...except democrats-----New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played
"The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.
This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. 
Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.
But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

The poll claims 43% of Republicans believe the fairy tale… which is complete rubbish..."
Read on!!

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