Saturday, December 23, 2017

Report All Inappropriate Christmas Decorations to the Proper Authorities - Hit & Run :

Report All Inappropriate Christmas Decorations to the Proper Authorities - Hit & Run : "The University of Minnesota has distributed guidelines on how to celebrate the holidays in the most inclusive, bias-free way possible.
See the source image...The guidelines—composed by the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences' Diversity and Inclusion Office—ask that students and faculty respect "the diversity of the University community" by hosting "neutral-themed parties such as a 'winter celebration.'" 
...the document includes a list of items and images that are "not appropriate" because they represent "specific religious iconography."
That includes the obvious candidates, such nativity scenes, menorahs, and angels.
It includes semi-secular symbols, such as Santa Claus.
And it includes some items whose religious content is hard to discern at all: red and green decorations ("representative of the Christian tradition"), blue and silver decorations (too Jewish), bows, bells, or wrapped gifts.
If you encounter one of these examples of "religious iconography," you are encouraged to reach out to the University of Minnesota's Bias Incident Website or contact its office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action..."
Read on!

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