Thursday, December 07, 2017

Students call free speech 'violent' while disrupting lecture

Students call free speech 'violent' while disrupting lecture:
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  • A lecture on free speech at Western Washington University was delayed for about 20 minutes after student protesters commandeered the stage to decry free speech as "violent."
  • The protesters were heckled by audience members upset at being denied the chance to hear the lecture, with one telling the activists that "no one came here to hear you talk."
A group of students at Western Washington University recently protested a lecture on free speech, calling support for the First Amendment “harmful” and “dangerous.”
The lecture, titled “Censorship and Free Speech in the Age of Trump,” featured University of Pennsylvania professor Jonathan Zimmerman, a notable free speech advocate, who was slated to discuss how to “how college campuses should think about free speech on campus...”
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