Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Sun Is Going DARK: No Sunspots For 96 Days; Ice Age Approaches

The Sun Is Going DARK: No Sunspots For 96 Days; Ice Age Approaches:
"NASA’s own data is showing that the star our globe revolves around is dimming.  
With no sunspots reported in 96 days, the sun is going dark and the evidence could point to an approaching ice age...
The Daily Sheeple’s Joe Joseph breaks it down for those who don’t closely follow the sun’s changes. He says there is a correlation between major changes on the sun and the behavior of the Earth, especially now as it reaches its  11-year-cycle’s solar minimum.
“I guess you could say, in a very generalistic sense…and I mean, this is as vanilla as you can possibly make it…that as the sun gets quieter so does our magnetic field get weaker or so it appears to be,” says Joseph. 
“Is there a mini ice age coming? I don’t know,” he said..."
Read on!!

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