Wednesday, December 20, 2017

True or False: CDC Has Banned Words Like 'Fetus' and 'Vulnerable'

True or False: CDC Has Banned Words Like 'Fetus' and 'Vulnerable'
"The Washington Post broke a story on Friday that had the left frothing at the mouth. Someone told them -- an "anonymous source," of course -- that the Centers for Disease Control had banned seven words and phrases from being used in grant applications.
It doesn't matter what the seven words were because, well, they aren't banned. 
Image result for media liesBut as we all know, a lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth is able to get its trousers (or shoes) on.
A sample of headlines:
BuzzFeed: "People Are Horrified That The CDC Has Reportedly Been Banned From Using Some Words"
Common Dreams: "'Making America Stupid Again': Outrage Over Forbidden 7 Words You Can't Say at Trump's CDC"
HuffPo: "The Muzzling of the CDC: Seven Words Banned by Trump Officials"
...The WaPo story is sort of vague on the source for this story:
At the CDC, the meeting about the banned words was led by Alison Kelly, a senior leader in the agency’s Office of Financial Services, according to the CDC analyst, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly. Kelly did not say why the words are being banned, according to the analyst, and told the group that she was merely relaying the information. […]
But the only tweet that mattered is the one from the director of the CDC, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald:
So not only has the director of the CDC denied the story, but HHS has also blown up the Post's "scoop":..."
Read on!

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