Thursday, December 21, 2017

Trump’s little-noticed war on hidden taxes - The Washington Post

Trump’s little-noticed war on hidden taxes - The Washington Post:
"The New York Federal Reserve estimates the U.S. economy will grow at an annual rate of nearly 4 percent in the fourth quarter.
That would be after breaking 3 percent growth in the second and third quarters this year. The Trump economy is booming.
See the source imageAnd the New York Fed predicts the boom will continue, with growth above 3 percent in the first quarter of 2018.
The last time we had four consecutive quarters of growth above 3 percent was 13 years ago, in 2004-2005.
Can that kind of growth be sustained?
Many economists are skeptical and point to President Trump’s trade and immigration policies, which they say undermine his efforts.
The passage of pro-growth tax reform this week, on the other hand, could help Trump keep his pledge.
But one thing Trump has done that has received little attention despite arguably driving today’s economic boom is his decision to declare war on the regulatory state..."
Read on!

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