Thursday, December 21, 2017

Trump's Whirlwind Year Was Quite a Success

Trump's Whirlwind Year Was Quite a Success:
"...Two years ago, virtually the entire commentariat, and most of its readers and listeners, were splitting their sides at the gigantic impending farce of the Trump candidacy for the Republican nomination.
...Wacky leftist filmmaker Michael Moore, with the unshakeable confidence in mind-reading that seems never to desert such people, announced that Trump would quit because he never wanted or expected to be nominated, and it was all a joke that had got out of hand.
Image result for Trump winning BiglyThese were not unrepresentative opinions.
Trump was attacking the entire political establishment, the whole Washington sleaze factory, all factions of both parties, all the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama, the national media, the lobbyists, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the limousine Left from the Hamptons to Silicon Valley.
Of course the Trump campaign was insane and impossible, and was doomed to be a ludicrous fiasco, a gigantic, comical clown act that misfired horribly.
On Election Night, Nobel prize-winning (for economics) New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said the stock market would “never recover” from the Trump victory.
(It has set a new all-time high more than 90 times since.)
...The ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner of Virginia, was soon solemnly announcing that there had been a thousand Russian agents actively assisting the Trump campaign in key swing states and that they had delivered Wisconsin, a complete fabrication (if he really believed this whopper, I have some oceanside property in Oklahoma to sell him).
...Donald Trump was a joke until nominated, unelectable until elected, incompetent until he succeeded on most fronts, and about to be impeached until he debunked the collusion nonsense; he has had a very successful year.
His enemies have been weighed in the balance and they have been found wanting. 
They shall have their reward. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all readers, especially the president and Mrs. Trump..."

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