Sunday, December 10, 2017

UPenn student op-ed: Ivy League admissions designed to 'perpetuate white domination' - The College Fix

UPenn student op-ed: Ivy League admissions designed to 'perpetuate white domination' - The College Fix:
Image result for white hegemony"There may be no better example of the inherent contradictions espoused by progressive racial bean counters than Lucy Hu’s Tuesday op-ed in the University of Pennsylvania’s Daily Pennsylvanian.
A sophomore from New Zealand studying political science, Hu believes there’s a “serious issue” in elite college admissions which “flies under the radar”: machinations to maintain “white domination.”
The most progressive institutions in America want to preserve white hegemony? 
...Hu cites a 2015 Princeton study as supposed proof of Ivies’ efforts to keep a white majority student population. 
Except that … the study says Asians’ “admissions disadvantage” is caused by colleges’ efforts to racially diversify — discrimination for which Hu already has said is justifiable..."
Read on.

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