Saturday, December 09, 2017

Welcome to the Hell Hole that is Brussels

Welcome to the Hell Hole that is Brussels
  • Last month alone in Brussels, there were three separate outbreaks of rioting and looting on a major scale.
  • If you penetrate the thick cloud of professional indignation to scrutinize the reality of the "capital of Europe", what you see in many respects is actually a hell hole, one where socialism, Islamism, riots and looting are the new normal.
Image result for brussels muslim rioting and lootingWhen then-candidate Donald Trump noted in January 2016 that, thanks to mass immigration, Brussels was turning into a hell hole, Belgian and European politicians presented a united front at the (media) barricades: How dare he say such a thing? Brussels, capital of the European Union, the very quintessence of the post-modern world, the avant-garde of the coming new "global civilization," a hell hole? 
...Exactly two months after that dramatic Trumpism, Brussels was eviscerated by a horrific Islamic terror attack that left 32 people dead. 
And that was only the tip of the monstrous iceberg that has built up over three decades of mass immigration and socialist madness..."
Read on!

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