Wednesday, December 06, 2017

What could possibly go wrong?-----Chicago Climate Charter, explained: What cities will do to meet environmental goals

Chicago Climate Charter, explained: What cities will do to meet environmental goals:
"Mayors from dozens of cities will sign an agreement Tuesday pledging to take their own steps to meet environmental goals set out in the Paris Agreement, an international accord abandoned by President Trump earlier this year.
Image result for What could possibly go wrongUSA TODAY obtained a draft of the agreement, called the Chicago Charter, which lays out the framework for the environmental steps the cities will take. Here is some of what the signers of the Chicago Charter are pledging to do:
  •  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an aggregate of at least 26% to 28% below the 2005 level by 2025, meeting the commitment President Obama's administration made for the U.S. when the global deal was negotiated in 2015;
  • Quantify, track and publicly report the progress towards reaching each city's individual commitments;
  • Advocate for “greater local authority” to allow municipal leaders to develop policies and local laws to have a greater impact on climate issues;
  • Include women, racial and ethnic minorities, indigenous people, people with disabilities and other marginalized communities in development of climate policy, and
  • Recognize the fiscal and social costs of carbon, and work toward “a just transition” for those impacted by changing policies.
President Obama spoke about the historic Paris Agreement, calling it a "turning point for the world." The agreement is the first-ever global climate deal aimed at lowering carbon emissions. VPC

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