Tuesday, December 05, 2017

What Counts As Sexual Harassment These Days? | Daily Wire

What Counts As Sexual Harassment These Days? | Daily Wire
"According to a new study from Ventura, California based research company The Barna Group, only 12% of men and 12% of women believe that “light-hearted flirting” is sexual harassment. 
Image result for  bill clinton Sexual Harassment meme...The study shows the vast differences between the sexes, with women being more prone to think that someone blocking their path during walking constitutes harassment. 
63% of women viewed “having your path blocked” as harassment where only 49% of men did. 
Additionally, pinching or poking, something that men can do in certain scenarios to each other 
(We’ve all seen dudes smack and slap each other, too) was viewed as harassment by 77% of women and 68% of men. 
Understandably, women being poked or pinched by a man is a direct invasion of personal space and if the victim is female, having a man do that to you is disturbing.
...Other things on the list that a smaller group of men and women viewed as sexual harassment were :

  • Someone making a sexual joke (M 32%, W 46%)
  • Snickering or laughing disrespectfully (M 22%, W 32%)
  • Winking (M 12%, W 16%)
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