Tuesday, December 19, 2017

You ought to know!

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

This is exactly right. And the hell of it is that Obama was positioned to do the total opposite. He could have brought racial relations forward decades, if not more. But when the Trayvon Martin shooting happened, he set the stage for what his administration would be about when he stated that if he had a son that son would look like Trayvon. From then on, it was downhill. Not to mention the war on the police, when the Stanford cop, or where ever he was from who dared arrest the black professor in his own home, because the professor was acting totally crazy and aggressive towards the cop, without allowing the white cop to assertain just who he was, while he was already there on a prowler complaint. So Obama called the cops actions stupid. Now the president has basically declared to his fellow African Americans that all white cops are stupid in their dealings with black people. That is not what he said, but that is what the black people heard, so now, the mentality of us verses them started. And we started to see the results. Rioting in the streets, especially if a police officer who happened to be white shot a criminal who happened to be black. It got to the point to where a cop could not even do their job without having a dozen cameras in their face. How anyone could do their job with a camera in their face is beyond me. The one thing that I am grateful for is that Obama learned the hard way is that when you try to legislate with a cellphone and a pen, the next president to come along can just as easily undo all your legacy with his own cellphone and pen. We have three branches of government. A supposed constitutional scholar like you should have known that. Only congress has the power to write laws, not the executive branch. Now, your legacy is merely a footnote in history. entirely your own fault.