Friday, December 22, 2017

You Won't Be Able to Pay Taxes on a Postcard, and That's Exactly How H&R Block Likes It - Hit & Run :

Image result for h&r block scamYou Won't Be Able to Pay Taxes on a Postcard, and That's Exactly How H&R Block Likes It - Hit & Run :
"The Republican tax bill means most Americans will keep more of the money they earn.
But the process will still be frustrating and terrible.
When House Republican leaders unveiled a tax reform bill on November 2, they made a bold promise.
"This is a complete redesign of the code, so we can simplify it so much that nine out of 10 Americans can file using a postcard-style system," said Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady (R-Texas).
...Intuit spent handsomely in 2013 to defeat a Democratic proposal that would have had the IRS pre-fill tax forms for taxpayers, as a 2013 Propublica investigation revealed. 
Since 1998, major tax preparers have spent almost $28 million lobbying Congress, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a pro-transparency think tank..."
Read on!

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