Saturday, February 03, 2018

History for February 3

Image result for Horace Greeley Quotes
History for February 3 -
Horace Greeley 1811, Gertrude Stein 1874, Norman Rockwell 1894
Image result for Horace Greeley QuotesImage result for gertrude stein quotesImage result for Norman Rockwell

James A. Michener 1907, Simone Weil 1909 - Philosopher, political activist, Morgan Fairchild 1950
Image result for james a. michener hawaiiSee the source imageImage result for Morgan Fairchild

1815 - The world's first commercial cheese factory was established in Switzerland.
Image result for 1815 - The world's first commercial cheese factory was established in Switzerland.

1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It authorized the power to impose and collect income tax.
Image result for 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

1927 - The Federal Radio Commission was created when U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signed a bill.
Image result for 1927 - The Federal Radio Commission was created

1941 - In Vichy, France, the Nazis used force to restore Pierre Laval to office.
Image result for Nazis Pierre Laval to office.

1966 - The first rocket-assisted controlled landing on the Moon was made by the Soviet space vehicle Luna IX.
Image result for Soviet space vehicle Luna IX.

1969 - At the Palestinian National Congress in Cairo, Yasser Arafat was appointed leader of the PLO.
Image result for Yasser Arafat was appointed leader of the PLO.

1998 - Texas executed Karla Faye Tucker. She was the first woman executed in the U.S. since 1984.
Image result for Karla Faye Tucker

1998 - In Italy, a U.S. Military plane hit a cable causing the death of 20 skiers on a lift.
Image result for U.S. navy hit a cable car of 20 skiers on a lift.

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