Saturday, February 03, 2018

Why Democrats Really Don't Want To Reinstate The Citizenship Question

Why Democrats Really Don't Want To Reinstate The Citizenship Question:

Image result for free Clip Art Question Mark"Most people wouldn’t take issue with the U.S. government inquiring about citizenship status in a population census, but in 2018 some Democrats consider it a radical act to ask the simple question, “Are you a U.S. citizen?”
Perhaps this doesn’t surprise you given the way liberals responded to Democrats’ loss in the government shutdown fight over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and their outrage over the White House immigration plan that would grant 1.8 million of them amnesty (a framework ironically also panned by immigration hawks on the right).
Still, the brazenness of the liberals’ indignation over this census question is really something to behold."

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