Monday, March 05, 2018

Buss: The condoning of cowardice

Buss: The condoning of cowardice
"...Qualities traditionally considered “good” — bravery, sacrifice, even just fulfillment of basic job duties — are apparently no longer necessary in the face of evil. 
Instead, some thought leaders tell us that we’re not to go too hard on those who display cowardice and fear. 
...Something has changed following Parkland. 
The overwhelming narrative has been to assign moral agency to inanimate objects: the guns. Everybody else, and the morality of their action or inaction, is somehow irrelevant.
See the source Parkland student David Hogg defended the inaction. 
And while he’s only one student, the predictably disappointing cable news media have made his point of view the defining meme for the moment.
Peterson, “just like every other police officer out there at heart — is a good person. 
...Peterson’s rectitude has been defended by others who claim that the “good guy with a gun” couldn’t stop the bad guy with a gun, and therefore armed officers aren’t the answer to stopping school shootings. 
But he doesn’t get to be the “good” guy with the gun unless he had proven he was willing to actually be good. 
That involves going to every length to stop the shooter and protect students — his most basic duty.
Otherwise he’s just a guy with a gun.
...So now a growing number of Americans seem comfortable with the position that courage and bravery are hard qualities to live by, and so, not expected even in an instance that cries out for them. 
We’re willing to give a pass to those too cowardly to stop evil, even if it comes in the form of an AR-15.
It’s a downright terrifying prospect for our future. 
Because no matter how hard gun control advocates want a world in which no one has guns, and no one is evil, that world will never exist. 
We will always need good guys — those who are actually “good” — to stop the bad."
Read it all!

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