Wednesday, March 21, 2018



Freedom of Speech

By Tammy Derouin

Isn't it wonderful to live in a country where you have freedom and rights? The Bill of Rights alone, is full of examples as to why we are an exceptional nation. The Constitution is a liberating document, which should not be taken for granted. We live in a country where you have the freedom to think for yourself, form your own opinions and live as you choose, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. You do not have to agree with the status quo, fall in lock step with a political agenda or those who hold office.

Image result for Creative Commons Image Library U.S. Constitution First AmendmentIt has become increasingly concerning to have so many individuals believe that our God-given rights are somehow tied to a political agenda. Freedom of speech, for instance, is under attack by those on the political Left. Unless you are pushing a liberal left-wing agenda, prepare to be attacked. Many, who are center to right on the political scale, have been shouted down and have been prevented from speaking at public forums. They have also been called all sorts of creative names, all because they do not agree with a stifling, left-wing agenda.

Individuals who ask questions, want transparency (but not the Obama era definition of the word), the government to be held accountable for their actions, want to protect our home from those who wish to destroy it and want to preserve our freedom for future generations, have become the target of the Left. The Left does not embrace freedom. They say they do but if you do not agree with their agenda, your freedom to speak, think or act is not important and it's disregarded.

If you truly embrace freedom and the rights of others and believe that everyone has the right to form their own opinion, why would you want to stop them from speaking? Why does the Left come unhinged with anyone who speaks against their agenda? I want to hear what an individual stands for and believes. I will decide if it makes sense.......

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