Wednesday, March 28, 2018



Friend or Foe

By Tammy Derouin

I get so tired of all the manufactured hatred being pushed to pursue a liberal political agenda. If hate and violence are acceptable as a justifiable means to an end, how good is the destination? When rule of man is favored over rule of law, it only takes a shift in the political wind to reclassify you from friend to foe. Rule of law, justice applied equally to all, checks and balances among our branches of government and our freedom is what makes us uniquely exceptional among nations.

Image result for April 19 1775 LexingtonIt's sad to see so many people embrace harmful political ideals as well as harmful practices which are becoming socially acceptable such as socialism, ignoring the threat of the radicalization of our enemies both foreign and domestic, using religion as a protective shield when the message is death and destruction while the Christian faith, which teaches love, understanding and forgiveness, is under attack. Institutions of so called higher education and those on the political Left are denying true science such as biology and embrace false science for a political agenda.

I had a conversation with someone who voted for Bernie Sanders. I was told he sounded good. The individual was surprised when I mentioned socialism and didn't realize the ideology he had “unintentionally” supported. Sadly, so many do not look into the background of those they support. They listen to sound bites and Left-wing propaganda which is delivered by the main stream media. But, they embrace it for the same reason so many Americans are begging the government to enslave us by foolishly demanding that our elected officials legislate away our rights. They do not understand the value of our freedom. They do not understand what they are doing. Maybe they never learned about the blessings of liberty and the reasons we fought against tyranny. Knowledge of our history is key to understanding and protecting our rights.

Perhaps they never learned what happens when a dictator comes to power and how quickly the rule of man can have devastating effects on a country and its people.......

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