Memo From Middle America: All Mexican Pols Are Meddlers—But One Good Tweet Could Blow Them Sky-High. | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform:
"Hysteria continues over alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, while America’s Political Class seems to not care about the Mexican meddling which has gone on for years.
It’s almost as if they don’t doesn’t see Mexico as a real country, just as a source of cheap labor—and votes.
And recent developments show that meddling would continue under a “conservative” Mexican President.
Mexico has a presidential election on July 1, although according to Mexican campaign law the campaign doesn’t officially start until March 30th
There are three major candidates, each representing a coalition of parties:
...Thus AMLO has already pledged to get the United Nations to stop us building a wall:
...Anaya also affirmed that the Mexicans who go to the United States
….don’t do it to hurt anybody, but to get ahead themselves and their families, to work in an honorable, honest and intense manner.
Wow, these are such great people, why would you want them to leave Mexico?
Anaya offered words of comfort for Mexicans in the U.S. who’ve had their feelings hurt:
I want to ask you all, with my heart in my hand, that each time you hear an aggressive or denigrating expression, that you remember that in Mexico, you all are heroes of the fatherland, the courageous, the entrepreneurs, the generous, those who dared to cross the border to give a better future to your family.
Do not forget that you are not alone, that you are not alone, that all Mexico is with you and that when I am president, I will always be on your side.
So there you have it—the words of the standard bearer of Mexico’s “right wing,” “pro-American” party.
He’s telling his countrymen it’s OK to break American immigration law and that Mexico will defend them against Americans once they get into the U.S.
How much more meddlesome can you get?
True, we might find out if AMLO wins.
But, to paraphrase Editor Peter Brimelow’s comment on the U.S. immigration debate, one good tweet could blow this Mexican Meddling sky-high."
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