Friday, March 16, 2018

My university defended me after I was attacked by liberal students - The College Fix

My university defended me after I was attacked by liberal students - The College Fix:
"Attacks from left-leaning activists are part for the course for conservative college students these days.
"A few weeks ago, I wrote an article for the law school newspaper, Virginia Law Weekly, about terms in the immigration debate,” Wagner writes at The Wire.
“I hoped to start a discussion about the immigration debate and the policies proposed in Congress.
“My article, Untangling the Immigration Debate, examined the origins and use of three popular leftist euphemisms that confuse conversation about immigration: (1) Illegal Immigrant/Undocumented Worker; (2) DREAMer; and (3) Chain(ed) Migration,” 
Image result for shout them downWagner continues.
The backlash to the article, Wagner writes, was “immediate.
Within a day of publication, friends were pulling me aside in the halls to warn me that people were “really upset” by the article and to watch out. 
Perhaps it was naïve to think that the response would be reasoned debate with a response in the school paper, but what happened instead was unexpected and shameful.”
As time went on, Wagner writes, some of his friends “informed me that they were facing blowback for being associated with me.
There were statuses and comments on Facebook calling the article and me racist for using the term ‘illegal immigrant’ and for mentioning statistics that were not flattering about a portion of DACA DREAMers.
My article was labeled ‘xenophobic and racist.’
Some charges of racism came from people whom I had been close to for the last year and a half.”
Coordinated vandalism followed:...
Read on!

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