Monday, March 05, 2018

SO MUCH WINNING: The United States will dominate the oil industry for the next 5 years...

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SO MUCH WINNING: The United States will dominate the oil industry for the next 5 years, Internation…:
"SO MUCH WINNING: The United States will dominate the oil industry for the next 5 years, International Energy Agency forecasts. 
Image result for ‘We Can’t Just Drill Our Way To Lower Gas Prices’“Oil demand will keep expanding over the next five years, and the United States will fulfill most of the world’s growing appetite, the International Energy Agency said on Monday. . . . The IEA projects the United States will pump 17 million barrels a day of crude oil, condensates and natural gas liquids, easily defending its title as the world’s top producer of petroleum products.”

"I remember when Barack Obama mocked Sarah Palin for suggesting that we could “drill our way out” of our energy problems.
You know, kinda like he mocked Trump for suggesting he could bring back manufacturing, or when he mocked Romney for suggesting that the Russians were a threat."---Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

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