Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: April 2018

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: April 2018:
  • See the source imageOne of Germany's leading economists, Hans-Werner Sinn, warned that the migrant crisis could end up costing German taxpayers more than one trillion euros: "The cost to the taxpayer could also be higher. So far, there are about 1.5 million migrants who have come to Germany since 2015. And no: They are not dentists, lawyers and nuclear scientists, but mostly underqualified immigrants, who have arrived in the promised land... where the standard of living without employment is higher than in many countries of origin with employment."
  • In his first media interview as the new head of the influential GdP police union in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Michael Mertens was asked if there are any no-go zones in NRW, Germany's most populous state. He replied: "There are areas where police do not go alone, only in large teams. Such areas are now present in almost all NRW cities."
  • "We now have new phenomenon in having refugees or people of Arab origin who are bringing another form of anti-Semitism back into the country. This dismays us." — German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Much here. Read all!

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