Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A new bill would allow local government to impose "Rain Tax"

A new bill would allow local government to impose "Rain Tax":
"Republican sponsored legislation in the state Senate would empower local units of government to set up a “storm-water utility” with the power to assess fees on citizens and businesses.
Image result for taxes NFIB opposed Senate Bill 756 when it came before the Senate Natural Resources Committee telling the Committee that the bill seeks to do an end run around past court decisions that have ruled against these various local”’fee” attempts.
Courts have ruled that the fees are nothing more than local taxes imposed without a vote of the citizens within the taxing jurisdiction.
...Empowering local governments to subvert the constitutional and proper process for raising taxes, by disguising taxes as fees, undoes the hard work that the legislature and governor have done to improve Michigan’s business climate.
Companies considering expanding or locating to Michigan will be discouraged by this kind of local conduct and companies already in Michigan will avoid those localities."
Read all!

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